Monday, December 29, 2014

My replica peace medal

My replica cast medal, I even painted to resemble an original silver peace medal that Lewis & Clark carried

Elk Heart Sack bag

A traditional zip-lock bag. Harvested from my sons first elk.

Bear Robe

Can you say Grizz, all hand painted by my hand..

More parfleches

Cheyenne style.

Bone Arrowheads

Made from the leg bone of a wyoming moose. They found a good home

Buffler Skinner

This is a huge butcher knife made by the Foster Brothers circa 1850. I made the sheath to fit using an old upper missouri style beadwork pattern.

Warrior Bundle

Red ochre stained bag that I charcoal drawn on the horse and warrior.

Bundle Bag

Medicine bundle ochre red stained and aged.

My self portrait !!

Crazy idea !!

Other artistic pieces

A few parfleches and such that I have made..

Pipe bag and pipe axe

My favorite pipe bag that I made entirely from braintanning the hide to the beading. Also I wire wrapped the small pipe axe..

Curiosity of the Native Pigmy

Money shells and latex I created this little pigmy after the Pedro Mummy found not far from my home.