Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Horned Drum

I have yet to paint a simple design for this drum. By I thought I should post it till a final motif is researched...

My Pigmy Bow

I have a mini bow set that's an accurate little stick thrower. My ill brother had made me the bow for Christmas one year and at summer rendezvous we spend all weekend shooting each other (with padded blunts). Anyways the legend of the little feller whom was found in the Pedro Mtns here in Wy by some gold prospectors. He had a full set of teeth when further inspected. I have walked the mountains where he was found. I often wonder if they exist because of the Plains Indian culture and tales.

Christmas Ornaments

Our family pulled out the annual Christmas decorating boxes and to my delight I found these little guys. I had made each of my boys one several years back and they get to play with them once a year...

Recycled Parfleche

I had seen an old original parfleche in a Wyo gallery and it held a horse hair rope. Needless to say I had to have one, Elk rawhide earth paints and I had my own.

Bear Head Bundle

This piece is a salvaged piece trying to save what I could. It was harvested legally skinned and frozen. Then it was taken to a taxidermist and his wife didn't put it in the freezer ... It was a chore to save what I could.. This is my end product, I beaded the mouth closed and added a strap and now i can carry my sacred pieces.

Bear Medicine Skull

A simple yet powerful piece, I bought this skull many many years ago for high school drawing project. It's been tossed around and beat up so I had to fix it Plains Indian style... Buffalo hair twisted rope, beadwork, and red ochre paint found here in Wyo..